Considering I was supposed to be going anyway, you'd think it'd be weird that I'm so giddy that I actually do get to go.
Let me tell you a story. I fell out with a person I was meant to be going with to three conventions this year, and I was, well, pretty gutted that I couldn't go (English slang there, people. Gutted = upset). For a while, I've been contemplating going to one of them (in Manchester, a city in England) by myself, just to wonder for a few hours - buy anime memorabilia, and leave. (figures and such are much cheaper at cons than they are online)
But it was only tonight that I was more determined than ever to go, and even set about thinking of a cosplay, which I will fill you in about in a moment. So, with the blessing of my dad, I was allowed to go, on the condition that he go with me. Of course I don't mind, I'm happy I get to go - he'll be bored as hell, but I'll be happe, surrounded by my people and all ^w^.
Okay, so cosplay - considering I was planning already to cosplay as Megurine Luka-san this year, I thought it best to stick with her, as I already have a pink wig for her. I, for some reason thought, of 'Rolling Girl' in this instance, and decided to have a Rolling Girl cosplay, Luka style. Pink nails, wig, but the usual outfit. I've already found all the components online on Amazon UK, and they're all very easy and cheap to get!~
Sometimes you let people in your life and instead of being by your side, they become leeches and suck out the happiness from you. They become dependent on you and demand you to pay attention to them. The problem with these kind of people are that they are toxic and aren't true friends. If they really cared about you then they wouldn't have to self pity themselves or be condescending towards you to get your attention. So, how do you know if someone is manipulating you? Trying to control you?
They decapitalise your name or don't use your name. If they do use your name, they use it after begging you for something or complaining
They tell you that you make them feel bad/suicidal/depressed/want to cut frequently
They self pity themselves and then get upset if you don't pity them too
They use the word 'love' and 'hate' carelessly
They indirectly blame you
They won't give up their opinion even after it upsets you; instead they try to convince you that you are wrong and that you have to accept what they say
They act like they automatically know what you feel even if that is not necessarily how you feel
They are suddenly kind when they want something from you
They've become completely dependent on you and ignores any acts of individuality that you do
They don't want to give you space
They guilt trip you into things you don't want to do
They get into temper tantrums until you give into what they demand
They constantly play a victim
They overcompliment you and then ask for something
They repeat the same things over and over
They select memories that further their agenda
They make you look like the bad person if it doesn't go their way