You Google the name of your favourite character - maybe Dead Master from BRS - and you find something that gets your intrigued. Looking closer, you realise it's a posiable figure!
Dude, that's awesome!

So, you set off searching for more information about the figures, still keeping that image of Dead Master in your mind, and discover that they're called 'Figmas'.
Now you know what they are, that there are even more of them for you to collect, all from your favourite games and anime, even Vocaloid, you want to go about collecting them - starting off with that Dead Master figma that made you fall in love with the figures.
Obviously, you don't know where to go, so your first idea is Amazon or Ebay - you trust these sites as easy to use, and in English.
There she is, the Dead Master figma you dreamt of! But wait, you need to slow down and have a look.
Remember, you found out that figmas can be quite expensive. You know that cheap-looking ones should be avoided, and inspect the pictures closely, as some pictures could be stolen from the actual Japanese websites where the figmas are normally sold.
Remembering this, you think that it's going to be difficult to trust Ebay or Amazon; they could all easily be fakes or Chinese reproductions.
So, with a heavy heart, you're now stuck.
Hello, my name is Maid-sama, and I'm going to guide you into the world of figmas.
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